Supporting Local Organisations – November 2022


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As a parent of one child at primary and one at secondary school I have seen the tiredness creep-in through October. For school staff too, the holiday can’t come soon enough. With school finances being rapidly eroded by inflation, the pressure is on for schools to deliver the best education possible with less and less resource. No wonder teachers look forward to holidays. I quite often drone on about our young people but that is because they are our future. If we teach them well, guide them, inspire them and support them they will look after themselves, and us, whilst making the World a better place. Schools, alongside parents and guardians, help put our young people on the right track, and we should support them however we can. If you can support your local school in some way, either through volunteering with projects, donations of material or simply by supporting PTA-run events, you are making a positive difference. I realise that trying to encourage you to support others at a time when you might need support yourself might be a tough sell. We’ve all seen a significant impact to our finances due, in the main, to the unholy trinity of...
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